The physical world is governed by very defined laws. The gravity pulls down everything. An object needs to exert force to attain a certain velocity. The laws of physics strictly govern the physical world and no body in normal circumstance is able to violate these laws. Since times immemorial human kind has been amused by miracles. The miracles are in fact nothing but gross violation of these physical laws (explained very well by science). Lord Jesus walked on water and even raised a dead man. Those miracles are till date enumerated by the clergy. The east has always amused the west. The yogis from the east are understood to have miraculous magical powers. The snake charmers and the rope trick were very famous in the west in last century. This blog enumerates best miracles of India which even science is unable to explain. Below are the some top Miracles in India which you can try to solve while being in India Tours.
1 – Taj Mahal Agra
This sparkling white monument of love is perhaps biggest miracles in India Yamuna survives since long rather humidity and water is an essential requirement for the specially engineered foundation of the Taj Mahal. The civil engineers have a prescribed load bearing level which a wall can take, the dome of the Taj Mahal exerts many times the pressure prescribed for a safe building. While coming on Taj Mahal tour package you can learn about the architectural facets and miracles from your tour guide.
No iron has been used in the construction of the Taj Mahal yet the building stands solid as a rock. It is a fabled myth that when the foundation laying process of the Taj Mahal was started the faults crept in and the king prayed before the sufi saints Abdullah Bukhari and Jalaal Bukhari who were four brothers. These sufis consoled and promised the king that they themselves will take care of the evil forces and the building sure will be built. The graves of these Bukhari brothers. Encircle the Taj mahal and it’s a local fable that these sufi saints still guard the monument of love.
Suggested Tour Packages
- Taj Mahal Tour
- Jaipur Tour
- Golden Triangle Tour
- Rajasthan Tour 10 Days
- Rajasthan Culture Tour with Taj Mahal
2 – Prahlad Jani
Can anyone survive without eating or drinking, well the answer to this question is a sure no rather a human can survive without drinking for a bare few hundred hours and without eating may be a few days. An ascetic from Gujarat state of India Prahlad Jani was born on 13 August 1929 in Mehsana district of Gujarat. He is said to live right from 1940 to year 2020 (when he died) only on sunlight. He was an ardent devotee of Hindu Goddess Amba and inf act he also dressed like a woman and was called Mata ji by the devotees. Many scientific studies were conducted on the Saint by many very well town hospitals and research institutions but no conclusion was derived from these studies, many a times he was criticized by international critics but by far and large he was known to be a monk who survived on sunlight and divine bliss.

3 – Holi at Falen
Holi is one of the most celebrated festivals of the Hindu community. Lord Krishna is associated with Holi festival and the festival of colour is played usually on the day of the full moon night in march/February. On the night before the entire India has bon fires which bear a mythical tale of Hiranyakashyap the evil father of a devout son Prahlad. Father tried to kill his son Prahlad who was made to sit in the lap of his aunt Holika. She was known to survive the heat and the fire but amazingly the devout son was saved and Holika was burnt in the fire. In Mathura district a huge Holi (bon fire) is arranged every year and a local priest passes through this fire. This priest passes unscathed and unaffected across the blizzard. This is not only amazing but no particular reasoning explains the action. It is said that the priest prepares for this a month before and spends entire month in veneration of the God and purifies himself before he steps in to the bonfire on the Holi night.

4- Baba Harbhajan Singh
A Sikh solder born in 1946 got enlisted in the Indian army in March 1965, he was a regular in the Punjab regiment. In year 1968 at young age of 22 he lost his life and become a martyr. He was leading a party of mules transporting supplies to a distant army post. It is fabled that martyr Harbhajan Singh himself led the army search party to his mortal remains. He was cremated with full military honor. The story of Baba Harbhajan Singh does not ends rather it starts from here. The Sepoy of Indian army on guard duty at Sino India border report the presence of Baba Harbhajan Singh who even slaps the Sepoy maintaining low discipline. Even the solders of PLA (Chinese army) report the presence of Baba Harbhajan Singh who is said to even today guard the Indian border. An empty chair is kept aside for the saint solder at the usual flag meetings between the two armies.

Saint Baba even goes for a yearly vacation to his home in Punjab. An orderly escorts the belongings and proper reservation is made in the railway coach. Even a staff car is allocated for the trip. There is a temple at Nathu la in Eastern Sikhim where he is venerated . In modern times Baba Harbhajan singh is a great mystery.
5- Bullet Bana
Even to this day The Thar Desert stages strange tales . If you are traveling on Pali National highway 65 you can see this temple where an Enfield Bullet motorcycle is revered by the devotees. This temple is situated 20 Kms from Pali. During your Rajasthan Tours you can witness this Bullet temple. One Mr. Om Bana met with an accident on 2 December 1988 as his motorcycle hit a tree. After the accident the motorcycle Royal Enfield Bullet was taken away by the police and submitted in the police station. Mysteriously the motorcycle disappeared next morning and appeared on the accident site. Again the police took the motorcycle and it again reappeared at the place of accident. It is said this incident was repeated multiple times. The locals then made a temple over here and till date worship Om Baba and his Bullet motorcycle. This temple is also called Bullet temple.

6. Rat Temple Deshnok
Medieval ages are known as black ages in Europe where millions died due to the epidemic plague. Even today if any European resident sees a rodent he/she screams off fear. The rats destroy millions of tons of food grains every year. But in India there is a temple near Bikaner where the rats are revered. This temple is dedicated to Karni mata the diety of the Rathod clan of Rajput rulers of Bikaner. You can visit this temple in your Rajasthan Tour Packages. The present temple built in white marble with silver clad doors was built around 100 years ago by the then ruler of Bikaner Maharaja Ganga Singh. Thousands of foreign tourists visit the rat temple every year. The rats known to be children of karni mata are worshipped by the devotees, around 25000 rats live in the temple complex. The rats drunk milk from the huge utensils as offering, the same milk is then distributed to the devotees as holy prashad. You can yourself see the devotees drinking milk alongside rats and amazing fact is despite such a large population of rats no epidemic or disease has been ever reported in this area caused by the rats. The devotees literally pay their obeisance to the rats along side Karni Mata.